Celebrating International Women’s Day

On the 18 January 2011, women from around the world held a series of events under the banner “Women sharing a chemical moment in time”.

The ‘Women in Chemistry’ group in Melbourne, Australia arranged a networking breakfast hosted by CSIRO, Clayton that was a huge success (see photos and video posted earlier). Dr. Michelle Groarke and Dr. Danielle Kennedy, both from CMSE, CSIRO spearheaded the event; which enjoyed an overwhelming response from over 90 women in the Melbourne area.

Women in Chemistry invitationAfter such a positive response, and in order to maintain the group’s momentum, we have decided to hold another ‘Women in Chemistry’ event, to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of Marie Curie’s Nobel Prize, be held on International Women’s Day, Tuesday 8 March 2011.

Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick has offered to host an afternoon networking event at their city offices on Level 23, 367 Collins Street, Melbourne. The Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI), has kindly provided additional sponsorship and support.

Women in Chemistry appreciates the support of both Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick and The Royal Australian Chemical Institute for this event.

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